Despair, 1 Corinthians 15:52

Despair and lonliness can overshadow one’s faith
We can fuss and stew, feeling weak and confused
Then a child enters the room and for that childs sake
We smile and we play and for a while we are used;
Then suddenly an anquish creeps into our soul
With deepening gloom it can spread through our day
We sink deeper and deeper into a self-filled hole
Until we steal our life in a selfish way;
Nothing is worse than to wallow in pain
Hoping and praying for someone to come and save
To bring you out of the darkness: simple and plain:
Our Creator will do it, He will help you to pave;
A new road’s path filled with hope, joy and love
Out of darkness you are then protected by the Light
A Savior who asked to be sent from Heaven above
To save you and me from an eternal dark plight;
God sent His Spirit as well as Christ for us
Three to never fail, hurt or leave you
To be our strength when we stew or we fuss
He forgives, no matter what you did or do;
What a God, What a friend, What a Savior for all
His love never changes, never alters, nor fails
No more darkness, no pain, no more sinful fall
With our Lord we can weather all storms and gales;
Just stop relying on self and turn to our God
Asking: dark past or light future ahead
Do I stay a clear path or wallow in a fog?
Do I choose eternal life or eternally dead?
Choose life — Trust in our Lord
There will still be trials, but dashed with fun
Walking with God, life is good, you will never be bored
Out of darness you’ll come, into God’s Precious Son!
We face a new year, with new hopes and dreams
Time is bubbling past and we must watch what we plan
Fleeting snatches of life rushes by like a stream
And shifts this way or that like wind blown sand
Look up and see what is precious and real
Our Lord is returning that is for sure
Hold onto each moment with glee and with zeal
For time is short; we will soon see the Rapture!
Sharon, 1 Corinthians 15:52

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