Hell flees! 1Peter 5:8,9

When we pray, the demons of hell, released on this earth, flee!  Satan loves it when we do not pray!  So pray, unceasingly!  Distractions will loom in front of you, but pray!  Ignorance that Satan does not exist will also loom in front of you, but pray!  When we are not acting like a Christian or we get overblown with being a Christian, pray!  If we don’t get enough sleep or we get too much sleep, pray!  Anything that is out of balance, the enemy will come against us.  He will choose that one thing that keeps us focused on ourselves and not on God and he will use it against us.  The power in pray through our Lord and Savior, in HIS holy name, is more powerful than the enemy of this world.  We must realize Satan hates us and delights in our sin.  But staying focused on Jesus, with the help of the Holy Spirit and the Sword of His Might Word, will defeat all enemies!

Power in Prayer!

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