A sad Christian

A sad Christian is an oxymoron!  They do not exist.  Once you know you are forgiven of the past, you will see a glimpse of Heaven, then fears start to diminish, joy sets in and your pain is replaced by gain, distrust of others by forgiveness, shyness becomes boldness and under Christ’s shadow, darkness turns to light.  The light of the Lord will show in your eyes, on your face and permeates through your whole body, revealed in your character.  Depression flees under wings of love, when you know you are a child of the living God.  When we know where we are heading when this life is past, then excitement replaces  unknown darkness.  Keep looking up, sadness flees from your life!  Replaced by gladness!  Matthew 6:22-24

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God Answers Prayer!

You can hear from God!  Don’t freak out!  Yes, you can speak to God about anything, big or small. God will answer every prayer! There is no need to get creepy about hearing from your Father. He knows you better than anything or anyone.  So, why not get used to talking with HIM.  The Creator of the Universe; your Creator!  The Almighty!  I heard from God when playing darts one night at a little resort in Florida. If HE will do that for me over a little thing like three bulls eyes in a row, during a dart tournament, imagine the huge events in your life? Then enjoy the ride!  Don’t let the devil steal your joy at answered prayer. John 10:10.

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Why did he cut me off?

Worry is the best tool of the devil.  There are many people who think they are smarter, prettier and more holy than anyone else!  So they think they can judge, lecture and control everything and everyone around them!  When that does not happen, they worry!  Why did that person say that to me?  Why don’t people talk to each other better?  Why did he cut me off in traffic?  Why aren’t they thinking about what I want?  When these kinds of thought go through your head, it is all about control!  Trying to control the circumstances around us, leads to worry!  Worry leads directly to the devil!  The devil delights in us, if he can keep us focused on ourselves and not others!   When you can do nothing about a situation and you feel out of control, cast it all on Jesus!  Stop thinking you can change everyone!  Talk within yourself to keep your mind on your own business!  1Peter 5:6,7

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God Listens To You!

God is a God of Second Chances; third chances; fourth chances. HE never looks at you in a negative way! He loves you! He loves every part of you. God is never talking behind your back, never disappointed when you accomplish a task and you feel you did not do your best!

I got a Chinese Fortune Cookie in a restaurant and when I broke it open…..come on now; we all open them, even when we know our future already!  “God loves you! Especially!”  That cookie reminded me that God feels that way about every single one of His Creations!  He created us, which means He loves us!  God makes no junk!   When you realize you are so loved, you can get up every day without condemnation or without worry.  Joyce Meyers says, “Cast your cares and say your prayers!” So true! Then let it go! Move on! Enjoy every day and especially at work! All tasks are to God’s glory because He set it up that way, just for you! Enjoy!  John 17:13


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Change in Format: Messages to Give Hope Today!

There has been a bastardization of the word ‘intolerance’  Somehow, slowly, methodically, concepts and ideologies are being compromised.  Preaching to love the sinner and hate the sin made sense; the sinner is God’s creation and we love all our Lord has created.  But Satan through Adam brought sin into our world and since then sin has separated us, as God’s creation, from our Creator.  Society and the rampant release of Satan to deceive and trick has twisted thinking.  We are no longer hating the sin, we are asked to love the sin, because it is part of who people are.  If we are not careful, we are one generation away from compromising OUR faith and our belief system to hate the sin.

For thousands of years there has been one faith through our God and now we are told to put all religions on the same level, to compromise and embrace those that are not of our faith, no matter how much they hate us or try to kill us!   The Bible teaches us there is only one way to God through the sacrifice of the cross, but today there are many people teaching and preaching we will all get into Heaven.  Moses said we must not compromise, there is only one way and there is no down side to believing that.  To not believe is eternal death…Exodus 10:26  Remember Lots wife!  We cannot compromise with unrighteousness!  We must fight for our faith now more than every before, for our generation and the next.

Stand up, speak up, for Jesus!  He is the only way to God the Father; to Heaven:  there is no other!

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