Fear Mongering! 1John 4:7

The verse before this one says God is love!  Then it goes on to say, love is from God.  Whomever loves is born of God and therefore knows God!  We must not assume everyone who is born, created by God, loves.  That is why people try to kill people.  They do not love.  It may sound very simple; but, until one is born again and therefore “born of God”, it is impossible for them to know God and ergo, love:  not only God, but all HIS creation.

We can love God’s creation and hate the sin they do!  That is where the lines get blurry.  Christians are all expected to love, love, love!  The second Commandment Jesus gave, right after “Loving God with all our hearts, minds and soul; is to Love your neighbor”!  Different translations change the word “neighbor” up with brothers/sisters; each other; all; etc.  But here it is folks:  Love God’s creation!  Not only the people we find palatable.

Does this mean we embrace everyone!  No, we do not have to accept what everyone, everywhere does!  We do not have to have them in our homes, tickling our ears; we do not have to visit them and embrace their way of life.   We can love a creation, designed by the Creator; we do not have to love the sin the creation manifests!  So, bottom line:  Love the sinner, hate the sin!  But, if we do not stay in the Word, keep Christ in our hearts, we can become desensitized to another religion, another lifestyle and another unconditional acceptance of lies and betrayal of the Word.  We must wear our armor and we must stand up for Christ!

Christ’s words: (Luke 9:5)  Wherever they do not receive you, when you leave that town shake off the dust from your feet as a testimony against them.

Present the Word; Speak up for Jesus; but if they do not accept any of that:  back off; leave town; don’t accept them into your home to try and change their way of life!  Let God take care of their spiritual needs, if they reject Jesus!  Does this mean we never present Christ?  Of course not, but not all of us are called to the Missionary field in foreign lands and many of us are ill equipped to face those from foreign lands in our own field!  We just are not that prepared!

As far as the refugees are concerned, I believe we should help them, present them with our way of life, a Christian way of life, teach them the Word; and if they reject the Word and Christ, let them return to their country when the fighting ceases, then to the lifestyle that Christ judge when HE returns!

Get the point!


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A Little Laughter-Strong Message!

We had just settle down for a nice quiet evening of television.  I asked my husband:  “What is on TV tonight?”  His answer:  “Dust”!

Then the fight started! (Not really….we don’t fight anymore!  I just handed him the duster, and pointed out it should be shook out first from the last dusting)  Luke 9:5

Luke 9:5 teaches us that if you are not received, your faith is mocked, your character assassinated because of your faith; then walk away!  Do not stay!  For God is not mocked!  This is Jesus speaking to His disciples; giving them instruction on how to approach people about their faith!  It seems a little impractical to travel across the country with nothing to eat, no money, but to depend on people to take you in, to feed you and sleep there.

However, Jesus is making the point, that we as Christians are to welcome our Brothers and Sisters in Christ; be hospitable to them; share our table with them and hear their prayers.  To fellowship with them and expect nothing from them, except their faith!  Verse 11 says if they will not listen, then shake the dust from the feet!  If they do not listen, it is their testimony:  they do not know the Word of the Lord, nor did they listen to the Word of the Lord or His teachings.  We carry the Word of the Lord, in our speech, our prayers, in our testimony!  If they do not listen, move on!  Clear message!


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Freedom from Hurt!

Hurt can be turned into Hope!  When you have been hurt, especially by someone you trust or love.  God can replace your pain, with gain!  If you turn your pain over to God, give it to HIM, HE will give you double for your gain!  There is release and freedom from the responsibility of holding onto pain.  There is freedom in letting go of something or someone who has hurt us.  I experienced that about my own mother betraying myself and my family.  But, the more I gave it to God, and I admit it took time and prayer, the less pain I felt.  Freedom, I love it, that God will take all that pain I felt at betrayal and HE replaced it with hope, knowing it is all in God’s hands!

Jesus is such a comfort, when reading His Word!  Seeing how Jesus was betrayed by HIS closest friends at a time when He needed them most!  There was a real sense of knowing my Best Friend, the Friend that never leaves us nor forsakes us, nor has ever betrayed us; He is right beside us all the time!  All we have to do is reach out and hand it over to Him.  The pain does diminish, does melt away, replaced with joy, hope, laughter!  Galatians 1:9

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A sad Christian

A sad Christian is an oxymoron!  They do not exist.  Once you know you are forgiven of the past, you will see a glimpse of Heaven, then fears start to diminish, joy sets in and your pain is replaced by gain, distrust of others by forgiveness, shyness becomes boldness and under Christ’s shadow, darkness turns to light.  The light of the Lord will show in your eyes, on your face and permeates through your whole body, revealed in your character.  Depression flees under wings of love, when you know you are a child of the living God.  When we know where we are heading when this life is past, then excitement replaces  unknown darkness.  Keep looking up, sadness flees from your life!  Replaced by gladness!  Matthew 6:22-24

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God Answers Prayer!

You can hear from God!  Don’t freak out!  Yes, you can speak to God about anything, big or small. God will answer every prayer! There is no need to get creepy about hearing from your Father. He knows you better than anything or anyone.  So, why not get used to talking with HIM.  The Creator of the Universe; your Creator!  The Almighty!  I heard from God when playing darts one night at a little resort in Florida. If HE will do that for me over a little thing like three bulls eyes in a row, during a dart tournament, imagine the huge events in your life? Then enjoy the ride!  Don’t let the devil steal your joy at answered prayer. John 10:10.

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