I used to care about my hair
All my toes were french and fair
My nails and clothes were all the lure
And all my money spent I’m sure
Is just a wasted, hateful thought
How ruled I was by all I bought
Did it cost so much the approval I sought?
I’ve now turned my sights to heavens gate
Thank You, Praise You; I’m not too late
For I have seen the pampered light
No salon or cream within my sight
Can soothe my frazzled, achy soul
As safely in my Saviour’s fold
Oh how His time can pamper me!
He sets my crazy mind at ease!
He sells me nothing A La Carte
My beauty bill’s paid in full from His heart
His pampering is free for all who believe
His results ARE 100% ………Guaranteed
Just let God’ Word give you the peace you need
Alcohol, chemical and bondage free
My Pamperer, My Savior, My Elohiym
Donna, July 31, 2006
2 Chronicles 20:21
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