Everyday Faith

I haven’t many words today

I’m tired of anything to say

I have only what tomorrow brings

Yet to my Savior’s face I sing

Tired and weak and humbled

Through this weary road I stumble

And hang on threads of what I know

The Holy Word of God in tow

I lift my hands and head to Him

And worship midst all of them

Those who come to stand with me

To show whose side they’re on, you see

As there are times that He will lead

Far ahead of what we see

For in the face of blackest night

Is where our souls will gain their sight

And trials will build a stronger home

With Jesus as the corner stone

No wind or storm from in our land

Could pluck us from our Father’s Hand

So tired and weak and humble still

I wait for the One who says He will

Lift me up and bring me home

As onward in His name I’ll roam

Listening for His mighty will

Hoping that I will fulfill

All He planned ahead for me

Until I reach eternity


01 JULY 07
Ephesians 2:20

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