Apron Strings Matthew 19:19
Do children know what an apron is?
Wrapped around a Grandma while she gave a kiss?
It protected the dress worn underneath
And served as a tent while kids hid beneath.
It was also a potholder for grabbing the pans
It was great for drying tears and for cleaning hands.
From the coop came the apron carrying the eggs
For moving fussy chicks and half-hatched ones to a warm keg.
When cold Grandma wrapped her arms up in it
Over a hot stove she would wipe her brow and sit
While she emptied her apron of kindling wood and chips
She would smile as shy ones scampered under, with her hands on her hips
From the garden the apron carried all sorts of things
Peas that were shelled, hulled it would whip like it had wings
In the fall, the apron brought apples from the trees
Surprised by guests it dusted in seconds it seems
Supper on the table, Grandma waved her apron for Grandpa in the field
What could anyone invent to replace the old apron and yield
Up the server of bibs with pocket surprises
A fresh baked cookie or little plastic prizes
Like the apron that Grandma used to set her hot apple pies
On the window to cool while she wiped at her soft eyes
Today her granddaughter sets out pies to defrost
And imagine the germs on that apron she tossed
But I have never got sick from Grandma’s apron, I know
It is sadly missed now I am fully grown.
There are times I miss that apron wrapped in love
But I know that Grandma is watching from above.
Sharon, Matthew 19:19
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