World Stage Set! Revelation 4:1

Every morning when I awake, my lips sing in low key:
Please God today make me what you want me to be!
After breaky and coffee I start my life,
Only to see the world economy every day, in strife!
Words like panic, crunch and fear abound,
When every Christian knows why the alarm is around
We were told from the start and the Bible is clear
Why this dread is now–with a world full of fear
Money has been an idolism curse
With our Lord replaced by a simple change purse
But those who walk in step with the Lord
Know this world looks to a stock market board
Not us, we cry, while we wait for His Son
Knowing the end times have only just begun
A leader will come forth and proclaim a plan
And those in a panic will take his marked hand
Please look to the Word and know the truth
Raise voices to shout across every roof
Our Lord is returning in a glory cloud
No more fears, no more tears, just a simple shout
‘Come up here’ and be safe from all tribulation
Poured out real soon on this world illusion
So don’t be decieved by what you may see
Rest in the Lord and let the troubled world be! 

Sharon, Revelation 4:1

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