God never thinks negative about you….you are always on His mind, day and night. There is a close connection between what you think about Him and your faith. What you think about yourself is is key to your belief and faith! If you think you are unworthy you start to act like you are not worthy. Hope and faith are affected because they go hand in hand with our belief system. John 5:38
This past summer we were told of two suicides of people we knew! One was a long time, at one time, personal child and adult friend. The other a young man that appeared to have anxiety issues, but not so bad that it would lead to suicide! And at a time of loss, this can send your head back to other suicides in the past.
How very sad that someone would reach such a hopeless state of mind that there were no other options except to take their own life. There can be no guilt left behind because we must realize these people deceive others into thinking all is well! They do not know Jesus! There is no such thing as a sad and hopeless Christian. That is an oxymoron! Do not serve self…..in serving Jesus there will always be hope! Remember, God is always thinking about you; just make sure you are always thinking about Him!
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