Campfire Bible Study: Friendship! James 4:4

Remember to pray before studying any topic!

  1. What does “friendship” mean to you?
  2. When you do something for a friend, do you expect something in return?
  3. Do you try to control others by your tone of voice or your actions?
  4. Are you trustworthy?
  5. Do you find people want to follow you because of your attitude?
  6. Have words ever popped out of your mouth before you thought about them?
  7. Do you gossip?
  8. Are you in a friendship that shifts your loyalty away from or toward God?
  9. Do you ever compromise God’s desire in order to keep a friendship?
  10. Explain James 4:4

Reading—2 Corinthians 6:14—7:16

Human Friendship Verses in Table

Divine Friendship Human Friendship
Of Christ

Proverbs 17:17; 18:24; 27:10; 27:17

John 11:5,35,36; 13:23

Ecclesiastes 4:9, 10

Of God Examples of True Friendship

Numbers 12:8

Deuteronomy 34:10

2 Chronicles 20:7

James 2:23

1 Samuel 18:1

2 Samuel 15:37

1 Kings 5:1

2 Corinthians 2:13

Divine Dependability Human Dependability

Joshua 1:5

Isaiah 54:10

John 13:1; 14:18

Hebrews 13:5

John 15:13-15

Ruth 1:16

1 Samuel 20:17

2 Kings 2:2

Matthew 27:55, 56

John 11:16; 13:1

Romans 16:4

2 Timothy 1:16

Friendship Among Believers:

Psalm 119:63

Malachi 3:16

Acts 2:42

Philippians 1:3-5

1 John 1:7

 Share a Story depicting “Friendship” that has happened in your life.

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